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Kincaid is latest helped by Clara B. Farlow Foundation

Carole Vaughn sits with Johnathan Kincaid, the latest Clara B. Farlow Foundation for Children recipient.

By Morgan Wall
The Mount Airy News

Since its inception in the spring of 2009, the Clara B. Farlow Foundation for Children of Surry County has helped eight children receive treatment for physical or mental challenges or illnesses.

Johnathan Kincaid is the latest recipient of aid from the foundation started by Carole Farlow Vaughn and her husband. The 2-year-old underwent a procedure known as Ankyloglossia this fall to clip the skin flap under his tongue. Because Kincaid is so young, the family’s insurance would not pay for the procedure.

“We had a couple recommendations for the surgery to be done but the insurance wouldn’t pay for it at his age. We went through Early Childhood Development and they pointed us in the foundation’s direction,” said Brandy Canterbury, Johnathan’s mother. “We applied and luckily they were able to help us. We’re very grateful for that.”

Because the skin flap was holding down more of Johnathan’s tongue than normal it was causing delays in his speech development. If left untreated, the delays in development would have become more extensive.

“It was a very frustrating time for him and for us for him not to be able to communicate,” said Canterbury. “Since the surgery he’s saying a lot more words and is learning more every day.”

Brandy Canterbury and Ben Kincaid are grateful to the Clara B. Farlow Foundation for Children for helping their son Johnathan get needed surgery.

The surgery itself was an outpatient procedure lasting only about 45 minutes. However, it involved a number of people including an ear, nose and throat doctor, an anesthesiologist and use of a hospital room.

“I was really worried about his recovery but as soon as he woke up he started drinking and not long after that he ate breakfast. His recovery was almost instant,” said Canterbury.

Vaughn has kept up with the family through the entire process, making sure they have what they need.

“With each application it takes some leg work and some research on my part. I try to get as much of the cost information up front as I can so I know what we can do,” she said. “Each application is decided upon individually because all of the cases are different.”

This particular family received more than they bargained for when Vaughn discovered they had some additional needs around their home. She was able to work with Chuck Hall of Steam World Inc. and Brad Coalson of Foothills Flooring Inc., both of whom donated their services to replace the home’s carpeting and have the furniture cleaned.

The foundation is named for Vaughn’s aunt, Clara Barton Farlow, an educator from the Guilford College community who made it her mission to write letters to her former students and others while they were serving in World War II. According to Vaughn, Farlow had a great love for children, a passion she and her husband also share.

“I think there’s always been a need there. I think sometimes children fall through the cracks,” said Vaughn. “My husband and I have always had a great love for children. The foundation is named after my Aunt Clara who had a big love for children as well. She didn’t have any of her own so she said all children were hers. It was meaningful for us to help children locally in Surry County and not get ahead of ourselves.”

The foundation can provide assistance to Surry County children under the age of 18 with a serious physical and/or mental illness who meet the foundation’s financial requirements. Treatments that could be covered by the foundation include doctor’s services, hospital confinement, surgical care, laboratory tests, X-rays, orthopedic appliances, medical equipment, medical consultations, medical treatment, psychiatric counseling and physical therapy.

Article published in the Mount Airy News, Nov. 29, 2011

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